Stop putting introverts in a box
One of the frustrating things about being more introverted is that you get put into an ‘introvert’ box. Introverts are regularly stereotyped as:
Read more “Stop putting introverts in a box”One of the frustrating things about being more introverted is that you get put into an ‘introvert’ box. Introverts are regularly stereotyped as:
Read more “Stop putting introverts in a box”Time and time again I hear people in organisations say they wished their leaders listened to them more.
How would you feel working for a leader who:
Read more “We all want leaders who listen. So why don’t we have more quieter leaders?”Because it will burn you out. I’ve been there. I have heard from many people who have been there.
Quietly Powerful Women has now reached over 400 women and it seems that the ‘exhaustion from faking’ is one of the biggest challenges. Many of these women are successful. And many feel exhausted and don’t feel they appreciate and leverage their natural qualities enough.
Read more “Stop faking till you make it!”Following my article Bias towards style over substance is keeping your real talent hidden, I found out from a colleague about an organisation which eliminated introverts from their talent pool after doing some personality profiling of their high potentials. Most of my readers know where I stand on the issue of diversity of leadership style (ie. I believe we need more diversity in leadership style – please see Do you have to be an extrovert to get ahead?). It made me reflect on what organisations and leaders do to keep their diverse talent hidden and under-utilised.
Read more “How organisations and leaders crush diverse talent without realising”