White paper: Hidden Talent – 7 Reasons Why You May Be Losing Your Best Leadership Talent and What’s It Costing Your Organisation
Megumi Miki, Updated Jan 2023
You may be losing the best leadership talent without knowing it, as hidden talent is overlooked, becomes frustrated and disengages.
Some of your best leadership talent may be hiding in plain sight. Humble, quiet achievers who have the potential to be outstanding leaders are often overlooked for leadership roles and development opportunities as they don’t push themselves forward or even see themselves as leaders.
White paper: Quietly Powerful -Thrive on your own terms as a quieter professional
Megumi Miki, Updated May 2021
It is challenging when talented professionals are naturally quieter as many workplaces don’t see it as leader-like. They are regularly told to speak up, promote themselves and be more assertive to get ahead. Too many talented quieter professionals who contribute a lot fail to get noticed, recognised or are overlooked. The white paper outlines a way for these professionals to become quietly powerful and thrive by using their natural qualities more fully.
Breakfast Presentation: Quietly Powerful – Use your quiet nature as your leadership strength
Megumi Miki, April 2019
Recording of the public breakfast outlining the value of Quietly Powerful Leadership and how we can move from being quietly disempowered to quietly powerful.
Quietly Powerful LinkedIn Group
On the QP LinkedIn Group site you can access carefully selected, relevant resources, including some of the Quietly Powerful Leader interviews, as well as news about upcoming events. We welcome members to share successes, challenges, lessons, and questions.